» We created K2M QuickSharePoint, to help companies build a modern workplace quickly, based on our values of speed and efficiency.

We offer an adaptable intranet portal that’s perfect for any business. It’s a breeze to adopt and features an intuitive workspace that’s super easy to manage. Get ready to transform your workplace effortlessly! 

​​ K2M QuickSharePoint turns your SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams into a unified intranet portal. It organizes and consolidates all your data in one place, making it easy for your employees to access the information they need.

» Ignite your communication and collaboration like never before!


​Uncover the extraordinary features of

​​​K2M QuickSharePoint


​​​Blazing-fast setup: your intranet ready in just 15 days!​ 

​ Customization:  Infuse the portal with your company’s unique visual identity.


More than an intranet: a fully integrated digital workplace that will transform your work life!

» Facilitate communication

​​​Pre-configured features:

News channel; Employee information; Partnerships; Collaboration site; Monthly birthdays; Search functionality; Discover a world of possibilities with these ready-to-use features!

Share news:

Effortlessly share news and announcements on both the Intranet and Microsoft Teams channels. Make information more accessible and keep the conversation flowing naturally!

Real-time collaboration:

Create an inspiring environment where teams can seamlessly work together on the same document at the same time. Watch as ideas come to life, with every change saved directly to your intranet!

​​Seamlessly integrated with Microsoft tools:

Effortlessly connect your content with Teams and Outlook, ensuring quick, secure, and simple integration. Experience the power of a fully connected workplace!

Responsiveness by default »

​​​​​​Your employees can access and collaborate with your content from anywhere, without the need to create multiple versions of pages for different devices.

Facilitate HR Operations

​​Provide the information that the employee needs:

Provide essential information such as compensation, benefits, and career opportunities in a secure and governed manner.

Learning center:

Offer courses and training for your teams to enhance their skills and knowledge.

​​Integration for new employees:

Use your intranet to create a comprehensive onboarding process that conveys necessary information, tracks training, and ensures each step is completed with a checklist.

Leverage AI features integrated with SharePoint to organize, query, and provide content efficiently.

​​This will improve HR productivity and ensure new employees are ready to deliver results!

Project Stages Overview »

K2M ensures your project is delivered swiftly and seamlessly in just 5 steps: 

​​1 - Kickoff Online Meeting

​​» Conduct a conference to outline the entire project implementation process;
» Discuss prerequisites;
» Address any questions or concerns.

​​2 - Definitions

​» Plan the navigation structure;
» Select templates and define theme colors;
» Gather logos;
»Establish security groups.

​​3 - Settings and Import

​​​» Activate the necessary services;
» Apply the chosen templates, colors, and logos;
» Configure the information architecture and SharePoint functionalities.

​​4 - Presentation and Training

» Conduct an online training session for the team responsible for managing your portal’s content.

​​​​​​5 - Deployment 

» Populate the intranet content, associate users, and set permissions with our support.


Get in touch with our team

Our friendly and qualified team is eager to meet your needs.
Reach out today – we can’t wait to connect with you!