Centralized History
→ All customer data, deals, and interactions in one place
Sales Forecasting
→ Dynamics’ AI features advanced capabilities that enable highly accurate sales and revenue forecasting
Insights from Behavior
→ The advanced data analysis in Dynamics 365 allows the team to extract insights about customer behavior
Intuitive Charts
→ The various types of charts available make the data user-friendly, even for those who are not data experts
Facilitate B2B account management
→ AGroup contacts of an organization under a single account
→ Track which emails have been deactivated and keep contacts updated
→ Organize documents and contracts at the company level while maintaining communication at the contact level, ensuring smooth communication and negotiation flow
Centralize account and customer information
→ Easily find all contact data and their history
→ Record all interactions with the customer
Increase team productivity
→ With the automation of simpler tasks, the team has more time to focus on complex and strategic tasks
→ Centralizing information and data analysis makes the team’s work more agile
Track your team’s performance
→ Intuitively visualize all activities of each team member
→ Monitor tasks, opportunities, closed deals, and much more
Integrate with other tools
→ Integrate with Outlook and save emails, appointments, and contacts directly in Dynamics 365
→ Integrate with Teams to facilitate communication and collaboration within the team
» Conferência para descrever o processo de implantação do projeto do início ao fim
» Descrever os pré-requisitos
» Responder quaisquer questões e dúvidas
» Definiremos as configurações de negócio
» Apresentação dos templates de dados
» Definição dos grupos de segurança
» Ativaremos os serviços e o app do Outlook
» Configuraremos os parâmetros de negócio
» Importaremos seus dados
» Iremos realizar um treinamento online com o time que utilizar a solução e com quem irá administrar o Dynamics 365