K2M QuickStart

Dynamics 365 for Sales

Build relationships, organize, and automate business processes to reduce costs and increase productivity!

» To optimize customer relationship management for your company, K2M develops customized solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 technology and ensures project deployment in just 15 days!

Amplify your business efficiency with a platform that helps reduce costs and increase productivity through the organization and automation of business processes. K2M implements Microsoft Dynamics 365, imports your data, and empowers your team. Ensure greater productivity, improved predictability, and better sales results, along with enhanced security and organization for your data.

Have an efficient CRM implemented in just 15 days!

​​» Transform prospects into loyal customers, provide quick solutions to issues, and track the success of your marketing efforts with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

K2M has a simple, fast, and highly effective implementation method!

​» Activation of a Dynamics 365 instance
» Configuration of a Business Unit
» Creation and configuration of up to 10 users

» Import of Accounts and Contacts
» Import of 1 Product List
» Import of 1 Price List

» Installation and configuration of the Copilot for Sales Add-in for Outlook and Teams
» Installation of the K2M Sales Forecast solution

» Remote training for users in the Sales Module
» Training for Administrators in the Sales Module

» 360º View


Data Management 

Centralized History
→ All customer data, deals, and interactions in one place

Sales Forecasting
→ Dynamics’ AI features advanced capabilities that enable highly accurate sales and revenue forecasting

Insights from Behavior
→ The advanced data analysis in Dynamics 365 allows the team to extract insights about customer behavior

Intuitive Charts

→ The various types of charts available make the data user-friendly, even for those who are not data experts


Relationship Management

Facilitate B2B account management
→ AGroup contacts of an organization under a single account
→ Track which emails have been deactivated and keep contacts updated
→ Organize documents and contracts at the company level while maintaining communication at the contact level, ensuring smooth communication and negotiation flow

Centralize account and customer information
→ Easily find all contact data and their history
→ Record all interactions with the customer


Team Management

Increase team productivity
→ With the automation of simpler tasks, the team has more time to focus on complex and strategic tasks
→ Centralizing information and data analysis makes the team’s work more agile

Track your team’s performance
→ Intuitively visualize all activities of each team member
→ Monitor tasks, opportunities, closed deals, and much more

Integrate with other tools
→ Integrate with Outlook and save emails, appointments, and contacts directly in Dynamics 365
→ Integrate with Teams to facilitate communication and collaboration within the team 

Know the stages of the project »

In just 5 steps, K2M delivers your project in an agile and uncomplicated way!

​​1 - Kickoff Online Meeting

​​» Conferência para descrever o processo de implantação do projeto do início ao fim
» Descrever os pré-requisitos
» Responder quaisquer questões e dúvidas

​​2 - Definições

​» Definiremos as configurações de negócio
» Apresentação dos templates de dados
» Definição dos grupos de segurança

​​3 - Configurações e Importação

​» Ativaremos os serviços e o app do Outlook
» Configuraremos os parâmetros de negócio
» Importaremos seus dados

​​4 - Apresentação e Treinamento

» Iremos realizar um treinamento online com o time que utilizar a solução e com quem irá administrar o Dynamics 365

​​​5 - Implantação 

» Neste estágio você irá iniciar a utilização da solução com nosso suporte ao uso

» Não espere mais! Acelere suas vendas em 15 dias!

​A K2M é especialista em implementar e suportar Dynamics 365 Sales para empresas de todos os segmentos.
Fale com a nossa equipe hoje mesmo, e em duas semanas tenha seu CRM implementado e uma equipe de vendas pronta para alcançar resultados! 

Get in touch with our team

We have a highly qualified team ready to understand and meet your needs!